Saturday, 5 October 2013


Today we helped with the yard sale for an elderly couple who are downsizing and moving into an old age home. The yard was filled with their belongings collected over many years. It made me think about what the point of life is and how at the end we have worked towards aquiring things and made some sort of career but at the end we have to look back on what we've really achieved and we collect so much along the way that to others seems meaningless and of no value, but we invest so much into it all.

With work looking for work fulfillment and with trying to decide what I really want to do I keep pondering on why we work and how we are prepared to invest hours and hours of our life - more than the hours we have to spare for other things into what we are supposed to hopefully enjoy doing. But what if it's not what we want to be doing and whey does so much of it depend on the economic standing we already have, the starting capital we have and our education. For some people these three things don't matter but for many they are vital. Why? And what is the ultimate point? To just get by in life, to make a difference and if so in what way, or to just earn so you can buy more and perpetuate a cycle of never finding satisfaction?

I guess I'm just not completely happy in what I'm doing but I need something to earn money but also to stimulate me and to find rewarding to make the work worth it.

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