Saturday 16 March 2019

Braaied in spite of Idai

Had two people pop round last night, was nice to see them and catch up. This morning I packed up house sitting and we took our two dogs in separate transfers to the vet for rabies shots and thankfully Jasper doesn't have a recurrence of biliary. Stocked up on some more sedatives to be given to him in case he has to go to the vet while we're away. We got the timing right this time, and he was well and truly subdued by time he got to the surgery (3 hours later!!!)

Got back to zoom with my Chinese 6 year old and he has thrown himself whole heartedly into building a boat for me to rescue me from Cyclone Idai. We got onto how the boat would be powered and he opted for wind power but with a gigantic windmill and he decided the windmill would operate as a vacuum to clean up the ocean along the way from plastic pollution. Who knew you could get this creative from talking about a cyclone?

Was invited to a braai at my friend William's, as he and some others had opted to not to go to Nyanga this weekend because of the said cyclone. We braaied in the rain but it was a pleasant afternoon. Just got back and skyped my friend Simon in Switzerland and I've agreed to look over a project proposal on tackling loneliness in society. Something to keep me busy while I am in Cape Town.

Have nearly packed for tomorrow. Just trying to picture 14'C as a minimum. Thrown in a couple of jerseys. Hopefully will see some friends from my UCT days but not wanting to impose on my aunt to ferry me around and we will already be having to go back and forth to the hospital regularly. There is the MyCiTi Bus in Cape Town, but I guess quite rightly, or perhaps wrongly, they don't think Constantia people would use it - I would!!

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