Saturday 2 March 2019


I sit here trying to mark my mountain of books but my thoughts are far, far away.
Baby dedications this morning and the pull of wanting a family. Having to think about whether popcorn might choke a toddler and chatting to a parent from school who was also there.
Heat wave that makes you feel sapped of energy and staying hydrated.
Driving through Borrowdale Brook and feeling transported to a Constantia or Bishops Court. An out of Harare experience.
Seeing my best friend and realising just why she is and how much I value her. Exchanging war wounds and encouragement and saying how there should be emoticon stickers, including the poo one. But how would that go down with my current parent. At least a face palm, eye roll, scrunched up eyes and frightened one would do. Alternatively a great big rubber WTF stamp. But no, have to be cool, calm, collected and sensitive at all times.
I'm just very tired.

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