Friday, 1 March 2019

Something in the water

I managed to sleep last night!! Thank goodness, another night of no sleep would have been a disaster. After a long session over skype with my therapist (it was so good to chat to her as she probably knows me better than anyone now, and she gave such practical ways to tackle things and try get a grip of things. So grateful to her for doing it from South Africa), I made some changes and had ways to think of things more positively and make them less of a mountain. She is on standby for me this weekend if things go belly up relationship wise.

The good news was that I was able to postpone seeing the angry parent until Tuesday and the headmistress is 100% behind me as she happened to hear the exact thing I said to the class as a whole, that the parent is trying to say I said just to her son. Phew! Such a relief to have my head's backing on this and to know this is a difficult parent and the teacher last year also had problems and it is not just me. Still am a bit nervous for Tuesday though, but hoping by then her anger might have simmered down a little.

I have my Chinese six year old just now. Haven't had him for a while and have missed him. He is my favourite student of all time and I should feel good after taking him.

Finished my exam papers but one dear parent messaged me at 8 o'clock last night wanting a break down of every topic for every subject by today. Um, I just said they would have it on Monday. I still don't really agree with having exams for these students every term. On the one hand they get used to it, but on the other it really stresses everyone out. I actually got my class to sit and do some mindfulness after break, which calmed everyone down. They seemed to enjoy it when they stopped talking and being silly about closing their eyes. Might try it again some time.

Don't know what happened this week, but lots of people have had hectic stuff. At school, a lot of the other teachers have had things and other friends of mine. Here's to a better weekend for everyone, and I really can say T.G.I.F.!!!

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