Saturday 7 March 2015

Chill Time - time out to stop and smell the daisies

Well my first week of CELTA is over and I survived so far! Caught up on some sleep last night and slowly tackling assignments this morning. Might pop across to Cavendish this afternoon for a bit. Have been looking at emails this morning and seeing news from back home in Zim.

Like the quote above. Leaning on faith that all will be well. So far I made it with CELTA despite nerves at the beginning and stress over the last week with assignments. Got to just learn to let go and trust God that it will work out. So far not as bad as I thought.

Have a Skype interview on Tuesday for teaching in Oxford in the summer. Have had one interview already for another job. Provisionally have a job as long as I pass for both. The one would be teaching in the mornings and then doing sightseeing with the students in the afternoons. Downside for that is it is not for the whole summer and would be on Saturdays too. The other appeals a lot as it is based in the Lady Margaret Hall College at the university and is fewer hours a week. Will see. The Lady Margaret Hall one would be to teach English and biology - will see.

Here's a picture of my class for CELTA at International House :)

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