Monday 9 March 2015

Day 6 - it is going to get hectic!

OK short blog today as I have to prepare my lesson for tomorrow and stress is starting to mount. Next week is going to be a little crazy as I teach three times and we have two big assignments due the same week - aaaargh. Lots of work.

Enjoyed visiting Christchurch in Kennilworth yesterday and had dinner after up in the Smuts and Fuller car park of UCT overlooking the city. Lots of memories from near Mem Stone. I also met up with my school friend Judi and we had a good chat about everything from the ethics of hunting to the philosophy of Victor Fankl. Really fascinating.

Christchurch Kennilworth

UCT campus and Mem Stone, lots of memories.

Met up with my friend Gail after school today and heard of her experience of being evacuated from South Sudan when there was a rebel attack. Was good to de-stress a bit with her and see her again.

OK I must prepare my lesson and if I have time finish Wednesday's assignment before midnight. Have another Skype interview for work in Oxford on Thursday for a school that is based at Lady Margaret Hall at the University.

Bye for now :)

Two great videos are 1) street art in Zim and then 2) language related to mathematics.
Check them out, they are really cool :)

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