Monday 16 March 2015

Survived Day 11 - more than halfway

Well yesterday the wheels came off a bit and I almost had a melt down. My lesson for today proved harder than I had thought and I slogged at it all day and went to bed not feeling at all ready. Asked my home group back home in Zim to pray and some friends in Cape Town. Prayers were answered in that I passed - God's grace I tell you! It was not easy trying to teach the rules of the comparatives and superlatives and their irregularities and the word medieval - arrrrrrgh!

Sadly another person has left the course so we are down to eight. There were others besides me who were thinking about dropping out yesterday. It was very pressured with another assignment hand in today and lessons.

Having a mini breather and then getting cracking with Friday's hand in and Wednesday's lesson. Today's hand in was a focus on one learner. I looked at my student Khadim from Senegal and tried to come up with exercises to help him. Interesting book on what phonemes French speakers struggle with in English called "Learner English: A teacher's guide to interference and other problems" by Swan and Smith.

For Friday's assignment I've got to reflect on my strengths and weaknesses and go over my observations and what I'd like to include in my lessons from them.

OK must get going. Was a beautiful drive home on the bus with the waves capped by the wind and surf spewing on their crests along the shore. The sea was an aquamarine blue and it was really invigorating with the wind.

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