Thursday 5 March 2015

Day 4 - Beautiful Cape Town

Today was a beautiful day in the Mother City with blue skies and perfect to be at the beach (I wish). On the bus home I was gazing longingly at the beaches of Clifton, Camps Bay and Llandudno - sigh. Very tempted to hop off and go sit and gaze at the waves but sadly have to now get on with planning my next lesson for tomorrow and hopefully not pull an all nighter. Feeling rather tired so drinking a strong cup of tea. Avoiding coffee as stress and a caffeine possibly not a good idea.

The fires are still burning and the wind today may not help but thankfully for us it has moved away a bit from Southern Cross Drive. Constantia Nek, which is just up the road had part of the vineyards burnt yesterday and some houses and the museum had to have things moved to safety. All very real. The fynbos vegetation does need to burn regularly to regenerate. It just sucks when people's houses are in the way and if it is too often it can cause lots of erosion. There are concerns that Chapman's Peak may not be safe for the Argus cycle race on Sunday.

Really enjoying Sea Point and hearing the seagulls everyday and the course is stimulating. My colleagues are cool and it is fun. We had more students today with someone from Libya and then Senegal joining us along with the other mostly Congolese students. I have discovered a quaint coffee shop on the corner which gives me a caffeine fix at lunchtime to help me stay awake for the afternoon tutorials.

OK best get on with my lesson prep so I get some sleep tonight. We have cocktails after tomorrow's class in the evening. Very glad it is Friday tomorrow - teaching is tiring!

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