Handed in my first assignment today. Shame one lady on the course lives all the way in Gordon's Bay and it takes her 3 hours to get home. She's averaging one hour of sleep a night - not cool. Another classmate was off sick today which is hectic as you are supposed to have 100% attendance.
We have to do so much photocopying and printing for our lessons and assignments I think we owe the planet a hectare of forest by now. Can now see why my Mum hoards paper as a teacher!
Observed my first live qualified teacher lesson today which was really cool and amazing to see how it can really work well. Also worked with my student on my learner observation task. So glad I can speak French as trying to find out if he learns best through auditory, visual or kinaesthetic input would have been really hard to ascertain with some of the blank faces I got when I tried in English at times. That assignment is due Monday.
Surviving on a caffeine high and marking off the days now till my final teaching prac and hand in. Am really looking forward to the week after the course which I will spend in Howick with friends who were elders at my church back home in Zim. They live in a nature reserve and are close to the Midlands Meander.
OK you're wondering about the murdering the Queen part? We had to read a short text on someone's dream that they poisoned Queen Liz. It was to give an example of a guided discovery approach on how to use the defined and undefined relative clause. Am learning grammar we definitely didn't really cover at school. Think we missed out a chunk on some of the grammatical rules - eeeek. Some of these terms are very new to me.
OK must plan my lesson for tomorrow and get on.
PS - for those in Cape Town, I will be going to Clifton 2 on Friday evening with my cousin Jaimie to watch fire dancers on the beach. Aiming to get there at around 6. Let me know if you would like to join us :)
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