Sunday 8 March 2015

Savouring the weekend

Woke up this morning with a bit of a headache - it is quite warm so maybe need to keep hydrated. Today is the Cape Town Cycle Tour or Argus. Lots of cyclists out and I have a few friends who rode it. Because of the fires the route was moved away from the traditional Chapman's Peak route.

I'm sitting working on my CELTA assignment and grappling with grammar and phonemes and the like. Not easy! Need to also start on my next lesson on Tuesday. Will meet up with my friend Gail tomorrow after class briefly. Meeting my friend Judi who teaches TOEFL in China this afternoon at Cavendish Fruit and Veg and then going to go to Christchurch Kennilworth for the evening service with my friend Warren. I will try visit Church on Main too but not this weekend.

Went to get a few things that are not easy to come by in Zim yesterday. I picked the wrong day to go to Woolworths though as it was the end of summer sale and it was chaotic to say the least. While I was there I got a whatsapp from my friend Nina who is getting married in Zim when I return. Unfortunately the lady making my bridesmaid dress can't use the material we got. I started looking for a possible dress at Cavendish but unfortunately nothing reasonably priced in my size. Might get some fabric here.

OK back to work!

Phonemic chart that I'm getting to grips with.

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