Friday 27 March 2015

Finished in all senses of the word

Today was our final day at International House in Cape Town for the CELTA course. My group ran an unobserved vocab lesson with our students and then we had a farewell tea with both the elementary and intermediate students. We ended with a where to from here and some suggestions of schools and things to look for with work contracts.

We went to celebrate at Primi as a class and it was awesome to be done and to chill finally. I then had coffee with my friend Gail at Flatteur and on my way home on the bus I got off at Cliffton 1 and walked to the other end of the beach, dipping my feet in the icy water along the way. Was a good way to end off what has been a frenetic and stressful 4 weeks. I will get an email next week letting me know my provisional mark. I think I have passed.

Going to catch up with some friends this weekend and spend time with family before I fly to Durban on Monday. Cape Town people let me know if you are free this weekend at all. I unexpectedly bumped into a friend in Woolworths in Sea Point which was awesome.

OK I"m going to bed - am pretty darn pooped and am looking forward to a weekend without assignments :)

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