Monday 2 March 2015

Day One - not so bad so far

Today was my first of my CELTA course which I learnt stands for Certificate in Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages. It is a Cambridge University qualification and reminds me of writing O and A Level exams in Zim as we have the same exam booklets for our portfolio. I'm doing the course with International House in Sea Point. Making me discover Sea Point and that side of Table Mountain. More familiar with the other side from my UCT days.

Was very relieved that other students were also very apprehensive today and were also concerned about passing. It is going to be a very intense four weeks of teaching prac and tutorials. I start teaching real students from tomorrow and have my first 40 minute lesson on Wednesday, eeeeeek. Our students will be mainly Congolese and Rwandan apparently. I have to do an ice breaker with them tomorrow. My fellow CELTA-ites are a mixture of South Africans, a Brit, an Italian and an Angolan. All are around my age for the most part except for a few older and then a 23 year old. We have started a whatsapp group - can share stress at 3 am in prepping (I hope not).

Better hit the sack as got to be up early to beat the traffic. My Aunt is taking me from Constantia to Hout Bay to catch the Mycitibus from there to Sea Point. Means I get a sea side view on the way in and out each day and it is not pricey. Just hope I can get a seat tomorrow as had to stand today and when the bus took the corners I nearly fell out the door :I

More soon if I am not snowed under with prep and assignments.

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