Tuesday 3 March 2015

Day 2 - hottest day in 100 years & fires

Today was my first lesson being observed which was nerve wracking. I talked a bit too much and had one student get up and leave just after I started and another come in half way through which threw me a little. The one who came late then didn't speak any English which was a bit hard going. Other than that though it was all good.

This afternoon we had a lesson in Japanese to experience what it is like to be a learner not knowing anything and trying to learn a new language from scratch. We got all the instructions in Japanese but from visuals, prompts and body language we understood what was happening. I now know how to greet in Japanese and order a selection of different beverages.

Apparently today was the hottest day in 100 years of recorded history for Cape Town. It sure was warm. There are also major fires raging in the mountains near Muizenberg. I was inside mostly with the course but on the bus ride home the bus was over capacity full and it got very hot and sticky.

On another note, just booked my ticket for the UK. Will be leaving Harare on 23 May, stopping over in Dubai to see my friend Manisha and then arriving at Heathrow on 28 May. Will then be going to the south of France for 2 weeks and then will return to Oxford to teach English (hoping I pass CELTA). My Cousins may be joining me in Oxford briefly but super excited to explore it with them.

OK the end! I must go prep for tomorrow's lesson. Wish me luck :)


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