Friday 13 March 2015

Day 9 & 10 - changes and pressure

Well Thursday got hectic with work and the transition from teaching elementary level students to intermediate ones on Monday had me in a bit of a flap. Felt like I was drowning in information and work. Luckily yesterday went better and I feel a little less stressed but think everyone on the course is taking   a little strain. Sadly one girl had to drop out due to family reasons so now we are down to nine.

We looked at connected speech on Thursday and I found the following word puzzle really cool. See if you get it :)

There is a fruit shop that sells three types of fruit, wapples, rappels and yapples. It is a very strange fruit shop because it only sells these fruit in certain quantities. For example, you can't but 1 or 3 wapples, only 2. You can't buy 3 or 5 rappels, only 4. How many yapples can you buy?

Had a break last night and spent time with my Cousin Jaimie and a friend of hers. Jaimie picked me up from school and we went and had pizza in Camps Bay and walked back to Clifton to watch fire dancers on the beach. Very cool and chilled.

Today's my Uncle's birthday and we are going to Harbour House restaurant in Kalk Bay. The rest of the day I need to work and tomorrow as have a hand in on Monday and a lesson to prepare for then too eeeeeeek.

Will try be in touch again soon but next week is going to be a little crazy! I might go up in smoke and drown in paper.

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