Thursday 26 March 2015

It is finished

Well I did my last teaching prac yesterday and I passed all four of my assignments - so I survived and passed CELTA. Feeling exhausted so it is a little anti-climatical but had coffee with my friend Gail after yesterday and went for a braai with friends last night. Was supposed to go to a zumba class with my cousin this evening but I think I might have collapsed on the floor in a heap.

We will do one last unobserved lesson with our students tomorrow and then wrap up. Yesterday we looked at teaching business English and today young learners. Reaching saturation point where there's not much more that can go into my brain. So looking forward to being in Howick and Durban and relaxing next week with friends.

Will try catch up with a few more Cape Town friends this weekend and visit Church on Main before flying to Durban on Monday morning.

At the braai yesterday a friend came back from a sit-in on the UCT campus over the Rhodes statue. It touches on bigger issues to do with transformation and inclusivity at the university. Is an interesting time for UCT and how it will tackle race issues. One of the challenges is making education open to those from disadvantaged backgrounds without lowering standards. The legacy of apartheid is still very entrenched in some of the systems.

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