Monday, 26 February 2018

Have an offer

Was up earlier than normal today to get to the school I was doing the observed lessons at on time. They had assembly first and then I took a maths lesson and after break English. A lady brings all the teachers coffee at the beginning of the first lesson - amazing! There were definitely mixed abilities and challenges for the students in both classes but the lessons went fairly well and I got to engage with them more than last time by teaching and they all are still really sweet kids. It was one little boy's birthday and he had brought cupcakes for everyone and I was presented with one. In the phonics lesson I sat and watched they were looking at the 'wa' sound and had to come up with vocab words. Without hesitation one little boy called out Wakanda - I thought this was pretty funny.

Well to cut to the chase I have been offered the job and I am pretty excited to take it. It seems like a lovely environment and is a progression from what I have been doing - working with children with dyslexia and autism in the past will hopefully help. I am thinking of trying to do the National Institute for Learning Difficulties level one therapist course in August. I would start teaching full time from next term but will go in twice a week from this Thursday to take classes and also try go in a few other days to see a bit more of what the other teacher is doing and to sit with her and go through things. The only challenge is going to be that they start really early - some teachers get to school by 6.30 am to start doing reading with students - eeeek!

Went on to teach my Chinese five year old and then my form four. My five year old had the sudden dawning realisation that numbers are infinite - this was a profound moment for him. We had fun doing some frottage and looking at trees. 

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