Sunday 11 February 2018

To be domesticated

Taught yesterday morning, did a bit more on the wetland report and then started cooking again. I love the work space in the kitchen where I am house sitting, with it's open plan and lots of counter areas, and the bonus of a large scullery. Decided to stick with recipes I knew for dinner last night and then lunch today. Did a version of carbonara and then have just made a babotie for lunch - fairly fail proof. For the friend whose birthday it was who is coming for lunch today I've used a Second World War chocolate cake recipe that doesn't require eggs or butter - winning as you can't get either of those easily or otherwise cheaply in Zim. My friend Lucy made chocolate biscuits last night and had those with cream and raspberries - which are in abundance in Pick N Pay and the Maasdorp Market.

Well my good friends Tammy and Ryan came last night and they love practical jokes. First off Ryan put on a strong Shona accent for Lucy when she pressed the intercom and said "What do you want? No, this is not number 47." Lucy has been here before so was very confused. Well I shouldn't have laughed as hard as I did because it was my turn next! Ryan has the same phone as me and said he could sort out why my photos weren't being retained. He did manage to do this by upgrading software but while he was at it, he and Tammy decided to leave an interesting status on my Facebook page and whatsapp photo. I only discovered this later and for whatsapp had to try figure out how to change it. Never trust your friends with your phone!

We introduced Tammy and Ryan to Bananagrams and ended up having a marathon of rounds that ended at 2 this morning - didn't know you could keep going for that long.

Finish house sitting here tomorrow and go home until I house sit again for my high school biology teacher next weekend over half term - can't believe it's half term already.

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