Tuesday 27 February 2018

Until we meet on Zoom

Have just finished writing a letter to my Chinese five year old to give him when I do my last lesson with him here tomorrow. It has been quite a journey teaching him since he was three and half to now and he has come such a long way. He is definitely the most stimulating student I've ever had and his questions still blow me away. Trying to organise logistics of how I will teach him online. He will be six hours ahead which is a little tricky. I think he is feeling rather unsettled as he was acting up yesterday and today particularly with his reading - we were back to him not wanting to look at the words again - we had progressed from that. Tomorrow will be the end of my routine as I know it. I have taught him every week day, every week for the last two years.

Did personal training this afternoon and my trainer got me to do my first proper cardio session since I injured my ankle. It was quite gruelling running across her lawn, doing press ups right down to the floor with hands off and up again and then my favourites, jumping jacks with lunges, squats, burpees, crunches, scissors, sprint sit ups  .... it was intense. Kind of lost coordination of my feet at the end and nearly landed on the floor. But it was good.

Been asked to do another wetland report. Will need to try fit in another site visit between teaching. I now need to start preparing for my bio lessons at the weekend at the Iranian Ambassador's. The syllabus for AS has changed again so have to recompile my notes.

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