Sunday 25 February 2018

It's going to be a week where coffee is needed

Managed to last to the end of the course and although it was intimidating doing an observed session it was useful to get the feedback and see how others approached it. We were introduced to some great games for tackling multiplication, fractions and number recognition. During one person's observed practical she asked if you can share one dog between more than one person. The person being asked replied yes you can as their family shares one dog. This turned into quite a funny interchange as the person doing the prac was trying to say you can't cut the dog into parts. By this point we all went into a fit of giggles.

Have to be at the school where I have the interview pretty early tomorrow morning. Will go from there to teaching in the afternoon. After a two day school week last week with half term and Bob's birthday public holiday, this week may be a bit of shock to the system. The weeks between new year and now are becoming a blur and time is marching on at a rapid rate. Need to try make the most of it.


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