Monday, 23 April 2018

A fairly productive Monday

Got messaged today to be told that my first staff meeting is next Monday (gulp, but it will help me to plan better when I know what my time table is exactly). School doesn't start until the following week though but I think I am going to be going into my classroom a fair deal next week. I have sort of devised what I'm doing for the content subject. It is going to be tricky though as they have chosen to do life cycles but they want me to not use the term reproduction, especially sexual reproduction, in my lessons as they don't feel the students are mature enough to handle it. We are to still do plant reproduction though and I'm supposed to differentiate between pollination compared to taking cuttings i.e. sexual vs asexual. The biologist in me is crying noooo!

Have had quite a few lessons on Zoom with my Chinese five year old. Today we were talking about electric eels. His dad has come back from China as he has a business here and I saw him at the weekend and he said my student wanted him to write a letter to me saying he wants me to go to China. My student may be back in July when he has holidays - hope so, as I do miss him. He has been sitting in a giant tipi in his lounge in China when he has had his last few lessons so I also told him about native Americans.

Went to Belvedere Clinic today to find out about a psychiatric nurse for people who can't afford to see a psychiatrist. Turns out they have this facility already and she can prescribe medication and dispense it. This is great news for people in my support group who are not on medical aid and who have to think twice about going to see a psychiatrist because of the cost (one session is anywhere from US$150 normally). I also have finally got a hold of a copy of the film Loving Vincent. Really wanting to watch it. Am hoping to try organise a screening of it as a fundraiser for mental health.

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