Today is Zimbabwe's 38th Independence Day and the first Bob-free one in a long time. Just seen an article on how much ZANU PF is spending on propaganda for the upcoming elections, when there are hospitals without the basics such as oxygen. Still such a need for accountability.
I did a Zimbabwe birthday themed lesson with my Chinese five year old today in honour of Independence. He liked the sound clips of lions (he does keep calling them tigers) and hippos. He got a bit fractious at the end of the lesson doing his reading so I played him the Beetles "Yellow Submarine" which cheered him up no end, and he drew me some submarines on the screen.
Hit a bit of a low again. Think it's a combination of forgetting to up my lithium PMT and then riding on waves of feeling like I'm coping and then not, with what I have to still do before term starts. I think I am semi on top of things but putting together plans for phonics and grammar is a little challenging without a real syllabus to follow. Am going back into school tomorrow to get the topics for the content subject. With it getting chillier all I want to do is hibernate.
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