Saturday 21 April 2018

My thoughts are in Nottingham today

Today my thoughts are far away in England where my good friend Heather is getting married. I really wish I could have been there for it but unfortunately I just couldn't do it financially, with getting a replacement for our car. I wish her and her husband Tom every happiness and a really special day and will be there in spirit. I wish distances weren't so far and travel not as expensive.

Instead I must tackle more work in preparation for next term. I have an ever growing pile of stuff to get through. Today and tomorrow I need to wade through the science/content stuff on the school lap top and put together my weekly plans. I don't know if I would have managed being away these school holidays with all the prep I have to do. I guess if I had known though I would have made a plan.

There are two rangers from Gonorhezhou running the London Marathon tomorrow to raise funds for rhino conservation. If you'd like to know more have a read on Gonarezhou Rangers Running for Rhinos. Have a look out for them tomorrow if you're watching the marathon.

OK, I must get back to my mound of work.

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