Thursday 4 April 2019

Aujourd'hui, la vie est belle

Today have had different forms of therapy and I will go to my personal training just now, which is another form. I unexpectedly bumped into a friend I had to cancel coffee with yesterday, and we had a lovely impromptu catch up and coffee this morning. We are reconnecting and have found all sorts to chat about. We're going to try find a church together, we've decided. I am still undecided but not keen on somewhere that sees mental health issues as from the devil. If I could find somewhere like Christchurch Kenilworth perhaps. It is really special to be nurturing a friendship with someone.

I had therapy with Rona after, and today was a whole lot better and I was in a stronger place compared to my last session on Skype where I basically bawled my eyes out for most of the session and my therapist didn't get much out of me. I have come a long way in the space of a week and again a big shout out to my friends Warren, Mary-Anne, Neesha, Candice and Jason for taking time out with me in Cape Town. It all helped me.

So my exciting news is that I have more work online teaching students in China over the internet. I have been asked to teach Chinese teenagers at a school in China about conservation issues in Zimbabwe. I am pretty stoked. They will email me questions for a skype session next week. My mum is actually teaching the Chinese Ambassador here's daughter (never know, maybe can source more online teaching through that route too). I think I need to start learning more Chinese. Sharon you need to come back! I have my Chinese six year old on Zoom just now, sitting under the trees at Aroma Caffe.

With my therapist today we talked about how to fill holes left from my break up and then with issues to do with my mum and dad, how I need to maybe try give the benefit of the doubt if I can't forgive. Rona talked about the difference between sympathy and empathy. I think I tend to be more empathetic but in some cases less so and I need to try to be. Regarding my mum's hoarding and a few other things, Rona feels my mum maybe needs her own therapy sessions but I on my own am not likely to change things. Have done some clearing this week at home, but still lots to be done. It is easier when my mum is not there.

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