Thursday 11 April 2019

Where to from here?

I forgot I was supposed to be checking in on an elderly dog in Monavale, but went this morning and he seemed fine. Then went to Dandaro and met such a sweet elderly couple who have turned their garage into a framing centre. The frames are a bit more rustic but will work AND ... it costs half of what I have been quoted, so I can get two paintings done for the price of one, and I feel really happy to give them the work. Made my heart happy.

Went on to my therapist and discussed what happened with Matt last week. She agrees that his term "casual friends" is not a friend and agrees that I gave him the opportunity to say how he really felt, which he just has not been saying. It hurts horribly, but maybe it is better than not knowing. Still wasn't easy and Rona made me say to myself, I will get through this. She thinks I am stronger than the person I was when I first came to her after Switzerland. I still feel wobbly though. Next week I am doing a session with her with my mum to try work on some things in my relationship with my mum. That's also going to be hard. I haven't forgiven her still for locking me out just before new year, a year ago.

This afternoon I have gym (hope no burpees :P ). Going to a concert at Arundel this evening. I see my psychiatrist tomorrow (forgot I was supposed to see him last week Monday, ooops). I've just bought a painting of cosmos by Karen Seager. Love how she applies her oil paint in it. First time I have invested in a major painting. Eating lunch now and about to zoom with my Chinese student from Aroma Caffe. My former student's mum, who owns Aroma, says my student starts chef school next week and has to prepare a meal from home for it in Sardinia. Excited for him.

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