Friday 12 April 2019

Drizzling with a tinge of melancholy

I had a good skype session with the students in China. One of them had no idea what a pangolin is. They still want stats on poaching. Have emailed WWF back again to try at least get rhino figures, but this may be sensitive information that they can't really divulge. My letter sits with the Director General of National Park's secretary. A friend joked I might have the CIO after me - um, yah, I might. Have sent the students articles on pangolins and an infographic. Need to try get this information across to my other Chinese student who said he has eaten a pangolin.

Went home and got my art stuff for Nyanga together. My dogs found my easel and basket of oil paint very interesting but they weren't happy when they saw a suitcase. Had coffee with a friend in Chisi at her lovely new digs. I actually know her landlady who popped past from quiz. Did a last shop for tomorrow's trip. Had to put a melon back though as they wanted $30!!! My word.

Going to see the person I am house sitting for next, just now, then have a 5 pm appointment to see Dr Mangezi. I am still not feeling very strong today and the weather being overcast doesn't help.

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