Tuesday 23 April 2019

Getting ready for next term and I think I have a rat

Had a fairly quiet Easter with my mum and friend Mags out from England. On Friday I went with my friend Cara to their commemoration of Christ's death and had dinner with them afterwards. Started back to things from yesterday with an AS level biology lesson. Dug out notes and things and we went over cell morphology and functions. Will go back into school for the first time tomorrow and touch base with the head.

Took a bit of offence at the message on Easter Sunday at the church I am visiting, when they referred to Mary Magdalene as a "mental case" and said people wouldn't have believed her because of this. I thought it was a bit insulting. The person who gave the message just phoned as a follow up to me visiting and I said as someone with bipolar I didn't really appreciate what was said. They did apologise.

Still not managing to get the chickens into the coop but they are a little less jittery. I think there is a rat in the pantry though. The main thing I am worried about is it eating the chicken feed.

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