Sunday 28 April 2019

Zimbabwean times

Had friends over for lunch yesterday and one friend had just left when her mum phoned me frantic as another friend had just been abducted and my friend's mum didn't know where her daughter was. The irony was I had invited the friend who had been abducted to lunch too but she had said she was running a workshop and couldn't come. She was abducted in Greystone Park and was missing for several hours before she was found at Harare Central with three others who had also been abducted. Thankfully her dad and sister are good lawyers and they managed to get everyone released last night but Doug Coltart has been called in for questioning this morning. All a bit scary and reminds you of where we live and restraints on freedom. Very glad my friend was found, but some of them were apparently beaten and they were all interrogated for several hours. Scary.

On a happier note, I opened the pantry door this morning and had a mild heart attack as there was a dead rat in front of me. I don't know how it died but it is dead and means I don't have to get a rat trap. Not sure if Maria the house keeper poisoned it. I managed to scoop it up in the dust pan and bury it outside. Hoorah!

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