Thursday 22 March 2018

Almost Friday and End of Term

Today was my last teaching day at school for this term. I will go in again on Monday to get handover notes and then go help with the sports day on Tuesday. Am going to have to keep up to date with current affairs. One of my students asked me about the northern white rhino that died yesterday today.     Luckily did know about it. Also will need to know a bit on pop culture it seems. Quite a few of the boys like drawing superheroes. I do at least know what Wakanda is but was told about Max #10. My students absolutely love swimming. I get asked at break time by at least five of them if there will be a swimming lesson at the end of the morning. Even the students that aren't strong swimmers are eager. I think it helps them release energy and I have a hard time getting them all to get out of the pool at the end.

Tackling the last wetland report this evening for Tafara. It is quite different from the other sites I've visited and there is a lot of spiritual significance to parts of it. Need to get it written up.

Had my last training session with my fitness instructor today before she gets married. Will have someone else take me for the two weeks and will then start again with her after that. She punished me with quite a cardio routine with EMOMs (every minute on the minute) and then repeats. Definitely pushed my endurance.


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