Got a bit more direction from going in to school today and going through more stuff with the teacher that's leaving. Do feel the weight of having five grade sevens I have to get into high school next term though. They are at different levels. Some are going to try for St Christopher's that caters for children with learning difficulties. There aren't really enough high schools that accommodate these children sadly. Tomorrow's the sports day and I officially take over. Will probably have to go in again on Wednesday to discuss things with the head. Two of the little boys keep bursting out with "Don't stop believing ...". I think it's rather sweet.
Feeling a bit flat and low. I should have upped my lithium last week with PMT, which could explain it. Also just tired.
Misplaced my red marking pen - had left it at my Chinese French student's. It's now the most important pen I have. Am a sucker for punishment as I volunteered to mark the last two mental tests for the other teacher. It's done now. My French student is going to be doing his DELF level one exam. We need to up the grammar.
Looking forward to friends from Australia and England arriving next week. Trying to see if we can go to Imire. The other exciting thing today was hearing I am now an aunt and have a newborn nephew.
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