Friday 2 March 2018


We finally have our Japanese imported secondhand Honda CRV from Tandem Motors - very exciting. Picked it up this afternoon and getting used to driving it. It is nice to be a little higher above the potholes. Am afraid I need to practise parking it though as it is bigger than what I am used to. Went to Arundel Village and parked a little too closely to another lady's car. The guy from the fishing tackle shop kindly rescued me and edged it out - bit embarrassing and gives fuel to the argument women can't drive. I must park better.

Had breakfast with the lady I've house sat for and caught up with her and news about her time in Bahrain. Sadly the man who tended her garden so beautifully died last week. Not sure what he died from, he apparently had a bad headache and the family then just phoned to say he was dead. Might have been meningitis - don't know. I will be house sitting for her again over Easter.

Exciting news that friends of ours from Australia are going to be visiting Zim over Easter. Looking forward to seeing them and probably doing some excursions out and about with them. Another friend will also be here from England. I am going to have to do quite a bit of prep though over the school holidays for starting to teach full time next term. Need to try work out how I am going to cover stuff with the grades 5s, 6s and 7s together and not repeat stuff each year with the younger students as they move up - hmmm, that is going to be a teeny bit of a challenge.

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