Monday 5 March 2018

Justin Bieber était à l'école avec moi?

Have been working at my wetland reports today, had personal training at lunchtime, emptied our old car out and cleaned it (with our gardener's help) to sell it, then taught my form four and my ten year old Chinese French student. With my French student I asked him to tell me about his half term from the French School - they had a week and a bit off. Well he was super excited to ask me if I had watched Black Panther as this is now his ultimate favourite movie. I asked him if he knew that one of the actresses, Danai Gurira, is from Zimbabwe. He did not know this. I then told him she had been a senior in my high school when I was at school at Convent. Well he could hardly contain himself and it took a while for him to calm down. I think I have shot up again in his esteem, not only did I go to school with Danai but my cousin helped sew the yellow dress in Beauty and the Beast. His next question was did anyone else like Justin Bieber, Taylor Swift or Ariana Grande go to school with me? - haha, um no, sorry.

It is looking like quite a busy week. I don't have to prepare lessons this week for the school as they are doing assessment tests but I will be marking some of them. Have quiz tomorrow at the Mustard Seed, a school friend is back from the UK and having drinks on Wednesday and Thursday there is an art exhibition opening at Sorella's Pizzeria. I start cat sitting from Wednesday.

Getting used to the new car a little more. Only problem is the manual and sound system are all in Japanese but I have worked out how to play CDs and am happily driving along to the sounds of Enya.

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