Tuesday, 27 March 2018

Back to Synapses

It's back to A2 bio on Thursday with my Iranian student. Have been putting together a revision lesson on the rest of biodiversity and then coordination in the endocrine and nervous systems. Just found some audio book options for Spies for my form four student and was sent a video of my Chinese five year old's little brother starting to walk in China - very cute.

Sports day went well at the school this morning. All the kids gave it their best and some of them were really chuffed to have their mums and dads there cheering them on. At one point though one of the students from the group I was in charge of decided to put the bucket on his head instead of holding it to catch a ball. At least he wasn't pinching the little boy in front of him today. The little ones were thrilled with their Easter egg hunt and the older students who didn't believe in the Easter bunny were pleased to get an egg at the end of the morning. Now the fun starts with preparing for next term. I am going in again tomorrow morning to sit down with the head and need to get cracking.

Think I didn't explain what the fundraising for mental illness is for very clearly. It would be to try help those who need to specifically get medical assistance and be prescribed medication but who can't afford to as they are not on medical aid and can't afford consultation fees. For things like bipolar you need to see a psychiatrist as you have to get medication prescribed by them. A social worker can't help with this and in some cases a GP can't either. Watched the video below and thought it did a very good job of describing depression and bipolar.

Going to a piano recital celebrating the centenary of Debussy's death at Alliance Française tomorrow evening. 

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